Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Cat Really Is In Charge....

Well....I have made an interesting discovery today. Many of my houseplants are in the type of pots with the wells in the bottom; you know the kind that you fill through a hole and then the plant self-waters. I couldn't figure out why my plants were so dry all the time, I mean I water at least every two weeks whether they need it or not. So there I am this morning, watering away and I notice Miss Scout La Rue, the resident feline, climbing around one of the plants. I am curious as to what she is up to...that's right...she is drinking from the well in the plant holder! What!!! Keep in mind she has a perfectly good source of drinking water, she doesn't need to go searching like a nomad in the desert for a water source. Yeesh. Now she is resplendent on the kitchen table, knowing she has been discovered, but yet knowing to that she will continue this behavior as there is really nothing I, as a pesky human, can do about it. That my friends, is the story for today and the reality of my life.....

Friday, June 6, 2008


The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

I Did It!

This is the first post...haven't got a clue what I am doing, but how fun to step out into the unknown and try! I put this on my "To Do" list last week and here it is...the first step in the journey is to start.
This is week 2 of a serioius step into Faith for me. I quit my job two weeks ago. I hated it. I disliked what who I was when I was doing I quit. I don't have another place to go to...I just knew I couldn't be there anymore. Hence the photo...this way to Hope. It is that easy you know...just go to God. He gives the hope...the direction isn't always so obvious though! I follow the path anyway....'cause who knows where it may is like take a turn sometimes without knowing where you will end up...actually that is what faith is, isn't it?
So, I am spending my time on a lot of nothing. I am also living the fantasy of becoming a scrapbooking guru. Possible? Anything is possible.